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Become a Monthly Member

When you become a One Country monthly member, you’re joining our community of givers across the country. Membership levels include a variety of benefits centered around:


  • Monthly Prize Entries: Each monthly entry increases your chance at winning incredible prizes and giveaways
  • The GIVE Shirt: Wear the shirt while volunteering in your community, post using the hashtag #ONECOUNTRYGIVE and you could win an additional $1,000


  • VIP Access to Events: Exclusive ticket giveaways and pre-sales to One Country events across the country
  • The One Country Circle: Platinum members belong to an exclusive online group dialogue that includes announcements and updates before the rest of the community + the opportunity to help select upcoming prizes & giveaways


  • Shop Discounts: You’ll receive discounts to some of our favorite brands that are giving back exclusively on the One Country Shop
  • Exclusive Offers: Members will receive exclusive offers + products from some of our favorite One Country brand partners

Our Recent Initiative

1 in 6 children go to bed hungry every night.

We believe no one should go to bed hungry. The One Country community has packaged and provided over 165,000 meals to families in America.